Ruth offers workshops for practitioner training and for spiritual growth
Astrology Within
Experience your astrological birth chart to enhance your spiritual growth. In this small group setting Ruth guides exercises to help you gain insight into your deeper nature and your daily way of being. She facilitates a co-created growth process as group members share together.
The group meets regularly, by invitation. If you are interested to be part of this way of knowing yourself better, of wishing to contribute in a positive way to our changing world, then please contact me.
The world currently calls on us to find our own unique ways to be part of positive change. If you would like to join the next online astrology group to explore your part in this positive change, email Ruth now. Astrology Within
Reiki Training
Ruth offers Reiki training, from Level 1 to Reiki Teaching Master. This simple, powerful healing energy is available to all.
Whether you wish to offer Reiki within your therapeutic work, or within your personal life, it provides a beautiful energetic support. For parents it helps you to be more easily with your children. For therapists of all modalities it provides an underlying healing flow of energy supporting yourself and your clients without any effort needed.
I strongly recommend therapists to gain at least Reiki 1 training where you connect to this flow of energy, as self care and protection against burn-out or compassion fatigue.
Contact Ruth to arrange training for yourself. Reiki Training
Transformative Mindfulness (TMM)
Ruth has trained many people to use transformative mindfulness to bring awareness and change into their lives. This training is now available on a one-on-one basis, including as online training.
Once embodied through your own practice, you can also use this method with your clients.
In my experience therapists who have trained with me have integrated this method very successfully into their therapeutic work. At this time of change on the planet we need simple, powerful methods to assist each other.
Contact Ruth to arrange training for yourself or gather a small group together to train online with Ruth. Transformative Mindfulness